Wat the heck to me and my gf? Feeling so bad luck recently. First is lost of Time Square parking ticket.. Already wasted so many time n energy to find it la, still cannot find it, fine me RM35 some more. Really cant accept how it disappear. We just spend bout half an hour on 2nd floor oni ma. TheN bad luck cont when my air cond broke down... NVM, still ok bcuz i still got my fan. Sunday nite, duno wat tat sohai TNB did, shut down or break down. whole nite cant sleep cuz of moisquito. Noe when the power on bac? Just when i going bac to KL lo!!!! Then whole MOnday too tired to attend class. Lagi the 'shui' when i lost the PV6 parking access card.. I tot juz pay RM50 to replace the card.. but i nid to ask the owner to write a letter to the management and let me replace... very ccb management method. TOday, just a few hours ago, my comp keep blue screen bcuz of AV, anti virus... when my bad luck can fade away a? Mayb it will just follow ppl who read this blog and doesnt reply me lo..^^